Free Palm Reading

Three Most Important Palm Lines

There are many lines to consider in a full palm reading, but the three most important ones are the Heart, Life, and Head lines, shown below.

Heart Line: This line is where matters of the heart are looked into and predicted. This can be anything from your love life to physical heart conditions. During my free palm reading, I was shown to have a thick, long heart line, meaning my heart is very healthy and I should be expecting love very soon (that's how she made the prediction, I think).

Life Line: This line refers to your vitality and well-being. It also deals with major life changes. I remember during my free palm reading she said she saw nothing unusual about my life line. I'm not expecting any drastic or even cataclysmic changes in the foreseeable future. I thought in my free palm reading she could find out how long I would live by looking at my life line but she said you really can't determine that from your life line.

Head Line: The head line deals with matters of the mind. This is where I was blown away with my free palm reading. She pinned down my personality exactly. She was especially accurate with the fact that I'm a complete left brain and a kinetic learner. By looking at the head line you can determine essentially how the mind works.